Check out our feature by The Change Companies, a leader in Evidence Based Curriculum, and our partner for recidivism impacting diversion programs!
From the feature: "One of the most desired outcomes of diversion is also one of the most challenging to measure: recidivism. Learn how CorrectiveSolutions reduced recidivism rates by partnering with The Change Companies in this two-year case study.
CorrectiveSolutions was incredibly fortunate to be able to run a statewide, 26-month analysis of a diversion program administered in Johnston County, North Carolina, to determine whether the participants who completed that program were less likely to reoffend."
About The Change Companies: For over 30 years, The Change Companies has delivered cutting-edge behavior change tools to over 26 million individuals in addiction treatment and justice services. They combine the latest change research with end-user feedback to continually improve the design and delivery of evidence-based practice of Interactive Journaling®.